Exploring the world below from the sky above
Zoom in on the cities under the clouds, discover where the in-flight wine’s grapes were grown or find out where the planes around you are going. Tactel’s new map service Arc lifts the flight experience to a new level.

With its familiar tiny plane and curved line, the classic map that tracks a flight’s path is well-used. At Tactel, we wanted to develop it into something more. Arc – a unique system we created from idea to finished product – is now being released on the market.
Arc is a moving, high-resolution map feature. It’s also a platform that makes it possible to connect other onboard entertainment services to on-the-ground locations and surroundings the flight passes.
Detailed views with technology from the gaming world
The map is basically built on satellite imagery and finely calibrated 3D realism. The mountains look like the mountains they are, just like the city’s realistic street network. And when the sun goes down, the light on the screens also fades out. The project required smart shrewdness and great mathematical knowledge, due to performance limitations, which made it even more fun to work with.
Unlimited ways to connect with your surroundings
The little dots that appear down there on the ground, what are they? Arc provides the answers. Each flight takes on a new dimension as passengers can anchor themselves to the outside world. Arc is flexible, built to integrate with companies’ various infotainment systems and can be tailored to specific airlines through unique versions. It opens up many exciting opportunities and has huge potential to offer individual service, increase sales and initiate new partnerships.

Some examples:
- When passing a city, travelers can both see city maps and learn more about points of interest. They can also get deals on everything from hotels to restaurants and events.
- Food and drink served onboard can be traced to their origin locations, which can easily be presented and marked on the map.
- Muslim passengers can get correct prayer times based on changing time zones and the proper direction toward Mecca.
- The airline’s other planes that are also in flight can be shown on the map. Even family and friends on the ground can share travelers’ views.